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Frydenberg removes Morrison from his website

by Callum Foote | May 13, 2022 | Lobbyland

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has removed all images of Prime Minister Scott Morrison from his personal website. has removed all images highlighting Scott Morrison from the website. These images are only viewable through a cached version on the website saved on the wayback machine. is registered to Josh Frydenberg himself through Melbourne-based domain register Instra Corporation.

This comes after Frydenberg distances himself from the Prime Minister over Liberral candidate Katherine Deves’ remarks on transgender children. Frydenberg told ABC Radio National on Thursday morning: “I would use different language to what the prime minister has used, and I’ve been pretty outspoken and strong in my criticism of the way Katherine Deves has approached this issue.”

Frydenberg also said that he would have “used different words” to describe the NSW ICAC which the Prime Minister labelled as a “kangaroo court” last Wednesday.

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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