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Federal MPs fail to disclose gifts

by Callum Foote | May 2, 2022 | Lobbyland

An investigation by OpenPolitics has revealed the widespread failure by politicians to disclose who gave them gifts such as private plan trips and Hamilton tickets.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce declared a private charter flight from Armidale to Brisbane in May 2021 without disclosing who paid for the flight.

Liberal Member for Wentworth Dave Sharma, disclosed two tickets to a U2 concert in 2019, a family ticket to Shrek: The Musical in 2020, and two tickets to the opening night of Hamilton at the Lyric Theatre in 2021 without revealing who paid for the nights out.    

OpenPolitics reveals that Dave Sharma’s tickets could have come from the scandal-plagued Star Entertainment Group as the casino operator provided tickets, at $250 a pop, on the same date to his Liberal colleague Fiona Martin. Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman scored free tickets from Star as well. 

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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