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John Barilaro’s daughter breaches lockdown twice: What’s the scam?

by Callum Foote | Jul 16, 2021 | What's the scam?

The ACT Police have confirmed that NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro’s daughter entered Canberra on July 12, breaking the public health order for a second time, having travelled from her home in Queanbeyan to Sydney on July 9. John Barilaro has declined to answer questions about the incident.

Following up a statement given to Michael West Media yesterday, the ACT Police have confirmed that John Barilaro’s daughter entered the ACT on June 12, following a trip to Canberra. The full statement reads:

·         ACT Policing received a report alleging a 20-year-old Jerrabombera (NSW) woman had recently visited the ACT after travelling to Greater Sydney.

·         Officers spoke with the woman and were satisfied while she had been in the ACT for a short period, she now properly understood the current restrictions on travel into the ACT.

·         No infringement was issued and ACT Policing considers this matter finalised.

The ACT Police later confirmed that the above statement was in reference to an individual who entered into the ACT on July 12.

John Barilaro

Il Grupo Partido

The individual received a $1000 penalty from the NSW Police Force for breaching the public health order on July 9, when she travelled into Sydney from regional NSW.

This raised questions as to whether John Barilaro’s daughter was staying in the family’s Rushcutters bay apartment between July 9 and 12, or whether she returned to Queanbeyan in regional NSW between trips to Sydney and Canberra.

John Barilaro has declined to answer questions about the infringements.

According to the NSW Government, regional residents must not enter Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour local government areas without a reasonable excuse.

The Government requires that an individual entering into these areas “for any reason, stay at home rules will also apply to you for 14 days after you were last in any of these areas. This means that you will need to stay at your place of residence for 14 days, even if it is in a regional area, unless you have a reasonable excuse.”

Images posted to Instagram show John Barilaro’s daughter celebrating the Italian vs England EURO finals outside what appears to be the Molto Italian restaurant in Kensington, ACT on July 12.

La Fiesta Barilaro: What’s the Scam?


Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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