The Prime Minister must be getting to the point where he could paper his wall, probably the one in the smallest room, with non-endorsements from his own side.
NSW state Liberal Catherine Cusack has denounced Scott Morrison as a ruthless, self-serving bully and won’t vote for him.
Cusack accused Morrison of politicising the tragedy of the recent floods.”I can’t vote for Scott Morrison, full stop, at the next federal election,” she told the ABC.
So which top Liberals will vote for ScoMo? We assume that of the former federal leaders, Hewson and Turnbull won’t; Downer, Howard and Abbott will. We won’t speculate on Brendan Nelson’s intentions.
Three definite votes out of six. It’s reminiscent of the Robert Kennedy speech where he said Senate colleagues voted narrowly in favour of sending him a get-well card.
Mark Sawyer is a journalist with extensive experience in print and digital media in Sydney, Melbourne and rural Australia.