January 2021
Sonic Health, which has been awarded $312 million worth of contracts since the Coalition came to office in 2013, was the fourth biggest donor from the health industry before the 2016 election.
Sonic Healthcare, which the Morrison government awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to deliver coronavirus vaccine injections to Australia’s most vulnerable, has also been one of the biggest health sector donors to the Liberal Party in the past decade.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the Department of Health declined to make public how much the companies were being paid, with a spokeswoman saying that information was commercial-in-confidence.
Sonic Healthcare gave $533,500 to the Liberal Party between 2011 and 2017, with $450,000 of the cash going directly to the federal branch, according to Australian Electoral Commission records. Over the same period, it gave in-kind support of $55,000 to Labor.
Sonic has been awarded $312 million worth of contracts since the Coalition came to office in 2013.
Read more.
Bungled Roll-out: Greg Hunt dissembles, confusion reigns over Pfizer vaccine deal