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Coalition’s $444m for Barrier Reef foundation did not follow rules

by Elizabeth Minter | Jul 20, 2020 | Deceptive Conduct, QED

Case for Federal ICAC
Deceptive Conduct | QED
Liberal Party

Coalition’s $444m for Barrier Reef foundation did not follow rules

April 2018 – ongoing

The Coalition awarded the Great Barrier Reef Foundation a $444 million grant without a tender process, the “due diligence” was based on information provided for another purpose, and the foundation had to submit a retrospective application after it had been awarded the money.

The auditor-general and his office found the department failed to properly follow government rules around making grants designed to ensure transparency and value for money, according to the ABC.

When awarding the grant in 2018, Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg said partnering with the GBRF provided an opportunity to “leverage funding from philanthropic and corporate sources” to complement the investment.

According to Guardian Australia, recent figures show the foundation has raised just $21.7 million out of a target of $357 million in donations in more than two years.

The GBRF has raised none of the $100 million from the capital campaign and refused to provide figures to Guardian Australia to show how it was tracking towards targets for corporate giving and individual donations.

A spokeswoman said the Covid-19 pandemic had now “made the fundraising environment more challenging and uncertain for many not-for-profits across Australia and around the world”.

Frydenberg also assured the public that “extensive due diligence” took place before the grant was awarded. But the GBRF says the information referred to was supplied as part of an application for funding for a separate project and it had no conversations with the government regarding the $444 million grant before it received the money.

Anna Marsden, the managing director of the GBRF, said the money had come as a “complete surprise” and that the foundation had to submit a retrospective application after learning in April 2018 it would receive the money.

Labor questioned why there wasn’t a public grant process that was competitive, open and transparent so others could apply. Senator Kristina Keneally said the GBRF had six full-time members, and five part-time members. In comparison, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority had 206 full-time equivalent employees.

The idea for the GBRF was floated by a small group of businessmen at an airport waiting for a flight and it was set up in 2000.

Great Barrier Reef: funding links to climate sceptics and political donors

Elizabeth Minter

A 30-year veteran of the mainstream media, Liz was the editor of MWMuntil June 2021. Liz began her career in journalism in 1990 and worked at The Age newspaper for two 10-year stints. She also worked at The Guardian newspaper in London for more than seven years. A former professional tennis player who represented Australia in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, Liz has a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Letters (Hons).

What's a rort?

Conflicts of Interest

Redirecting funding to pet hobbies; offering jobs to the boys without a proper tender process; secretly bankrolling candidates in elections; taking up private sector jobs in apparent breach of parliament’s code of ethics, the list goes on.

Deceptive Conduct

Claiming that greenhouse gas emissions have gone down when the facts clearly show otherwise; breaking the law on responding to FoI requests; reneging on promised legislation; claiming credit for legislation that doesn’t exist; accepting donations that breach rules. You get the drift of what behaviour this category captures.

Election Rorts

In the months before the last election, the Government spent hundreds of millions of dollars of Australian taxpayers’ money on grants for sports, community safety, rural development programs and more. Many of these grants were disproportionally awarded to marginal seats, with limited oversight and even less accountability.

Dubious Travel Claims

Ministerial business that just happens to coincide with a grand final or a concert; electorate business that must be conducted in prime tourist locations, or at the same time as party fundraisers. All above board, maybe, but does it really pass the pub test? Or does it just reinforce the fact that politicians take the public for mugs?

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