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Barnaby’s $1.5b port has no environmental approval

by Callum Foote | Apr 18, 2022 | Lobbyland

It turns out that  Barnaby Joyce’s $1.5 billion promise to develop a poorly planned petrochemical precinct in the Port of Darwin’s Middle Arm, has come before any environmental approvals have been awarded.

The Middle Arm ‘Sustainable Development Precinct’, which will require millions of tons of channels to be dredged for the development of an additional port to fuel new petrochemical factories has not yet met relevant environmental approvals with the project only being released by the Northern Territory Environmental Protection Agency for public comment on the 12 of April.

On corporate subsidies, $2 billion in additional Federal and Northern Territory has been announced to develop gas in the Beetaloo.

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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