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Australia buddies up to UAE, despite Russian support

by Callum Foote | Mar 18, 2022 | Lobbyland

The Foreign Affairs Minister has announced fresh sanctions on Russian banks and oligarchs adding two billionaires with links to business interests in Australia, to the 41 oligarchs and immediate family members who already have sanctions imposed on them.

However, this comes a day after Dan Tehan the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Investment released a ‘Joint statement on the intent to pursue a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Australia’ with the UAE’s minister of foreign trade.

The UAE’s Foreign Minister appeared in Moscow on Thursday saying the UAE is committed to cooperating with Russia on energy security despite calls from the US.

The UAE may also be acting as a safe-haven for Russian oligarchs.

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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