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Friends where it matters: Aspen Medical’s contract came out of nowhere

by Callum Foote | May 3, 2022 | Lobbyland

If there ever was a crony capitalist creation of the Coalition, it’s Aspen Medical. In its frankly catastrophic career of disaster profiteering, outlined by the ABC’s Four Corners on Monday, Aspen has raked in dodgy contracts that would make even Al Capone blush.

Since 2010, the self-styled ‘’global provider of guaranteed, innovative and tailored healthcare solutions’’ has received $1.8 billion in federal government tenders. Of that, $1.3 billion came from a single tender for face masks made in 2020.

In 2020, Aspen Medical was given a $1.3 billion contract to supply face masks to the Federal Government despite having no experience in large-scale procurement reports the ABC.

Until then, the most the company earnt in federal government contracts in a year was $124 million in 2014, with most years showing a max of $30 million. 

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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