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Albo stops additional support for aged care till after election

by Callum Foote | Apr 1, 2022 | Lobbyland

Albo’s budget reply dedicated more time to describing the horrors of the aged care crisis than any other issue. 

A significant part of his package to increase the quality of care for aged care residents is to have registered nurses present 24/7 in all aged care facilities.

This, in Albo’s words, is to “save thousands of stressful, expensive and ultimately unnecessary trips to hospital Emergency Departments”.

However, the day before Albo gave his speech Labor decided to work with the government to defer a vote on the Aged Care Bill with amendments made by independent Senator from South Australia Rex Patrick. The bill would have mandated registered nurses in aged care facilities 24/7.

Clearly, Labor wanted to save this piece of legislation for themselves, instead of attempting to get it through the lower house. 

Now, best case scenario Labor will institute the bill if they get elected in 6 weeks leaving aged care residents without additional support till then. Worst case scenario they lose, and aged care residents lose out for good.

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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