Revolving Doors

Geoff Brown

Geoff Brown

Australian Defence Force | Military | Revolving Doors

Geoff Brown retired as Chief of Air Force in July 2015 after 35 years in the RAAF. He was a strong proponent of the purchase of the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jet. A year after leaving the RAAF, Brown had joined the boards of multiple weapons-producing corporations, including Lockheed Martin and EOS.

Current Positions

Publicly funded

Chair and Defence Ambassador, ACT Defence Industry Advisory Board (Mar 2017–present)


Director, Lockheed Martin (Australia) Pty Ltd (1.8.16–present)*

Director, Electro Optic Systems (21.4.16–present)*

Chair, Advisory Board–Asia/Pacific, CAE (4.2.16present)

Director, Secretary and Principal Consultant, GCB Stratos Consulting Pty Ltd (29.9.15–present)*

* ASIC record (accessed 15.4.20)


Member, Governing Committee, Temora Aviation Museum (May 2017–present)

Chair, Sir Richard Williams Foundation (Aug 2015–present)^

Mentor, Leadership and Strategic Studies, Australian Defence College (??–present)

^The Williams Foundation is a think tank which aims to maximise the role of air power in national and regional security. It says it “conducts its operations independently and has no political or industry ties,” however it is sponsored by a bevy of weapons industry corporations, while several of its board members, including its Chair, Geoff Brown, and Deputy Chair, Mark Binskin, serve on the boards of, and/or are otherwise engaged by or associated with, one or more weapons industry corporations (some of which also sponsor the Foundation). The Foundation is registered as a charity.

Previous Positions

Royal Australian Air Force (Feb 1980–July 2015), including:

Related Items

Geoff Brown was a strong proponent of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter while Chief of Air Force. Since retiring from the Air Force he has joined the board of Lockheed Martin.


Last updated 23.9.20. Please let us know of any dead links. Thanks. [email protected]

James Fitzgerald Sice

James is studying a bachelor of Communication (Journalism) at the University of Technology Sydney. He is a producer at 2SER radio and contributor at UTS’s Central News.

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