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Beetaloo to provide zero jobs, study shows

by Callum Foote | Apr 21, 2022 | Lobbyland

The Federal Government is claiming that Beetaloo Basin fracking plans will create 6,000 jobs, yet NT government modelling shows that it will result in a net-zero increase.

Modelling undertaken for the Northern Territory Government by Deloitte shows that there is expected to be zero additional jobs created by opening up the Beetaloo basin for development, coal seam gas fracking. This is due to the assumption that all the Beetaloo fracking jobs will be filled at the expense of jobs in other industries.

The report also reports concerns by a number of gas players that there is no domestic demand for new gas from the Beetaloo:

“Some market bodies hold that Beetaloo is only likely to be developed for export – GSOO 2020 forecasts that industrial and GPG demand is set to decrease further than previously expected.”

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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