Linda Reynolds
The “spruiker-in-chief” of defence industry has been involved with promoting military industry interests since the late 1980s when she co-founded the WA Defence Industry Council. Reynolds combined a career in the army reserves with political staffing roles for the Liberals, and a stint with industry giant Raytheon, before becoming a senator for WA in 2014. From 2 March 2019, she served as Minister for Defence Industry before being promoted to Defence Minister on 29 May 2019.
Current Positions
- Cabinet minister (2.3.2019 –23.5.2022), including:
- Minister for Defence (29.5.19– 30.3.2021)
- Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (30.3.2021 to 23.5.2022)
- Minister for Government Services (30.3.2021 to 23.5.2022)
- Senator for WA (2014–Present)
Previous Positions
Federal ministerial and cabinet positions
- Cabinet minister (2.3.19–present), including Minister for Defence Industry (2.3.19–29.5.19) and Minister for Emergency Management and North Queensland Recovery (2.3.19–29.5.19)
- Assistant Minister for Home Affairs (28.8.18–2.3.19)
Military positions
- Army Adjutant General (Brigadier) (2012–2013)
- Senior Training and Development Officer, Australian Command and Staff College (1999–2000)
- Australian Army Reserve (1984–2012)
Political and public administrative positions
- Director, Army Strategic Reform Program (2009–2010)
- Project Director, Army-based Accountability Model Implementation Project (2008–2009)
- Deputy Federal Director and National Training Director, Liberal Party (2006–2008)
- Project Director/Strategic Performance and training Analyst, Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex (NASA/JPL facility) (2004)
- Chief of Staff and Senior Policy Adviser to Chris Ellison, Minister for Justice and Customs (2001–2003)
- Liberal Party Senior Government Training Manager and Senior Campaign Officer (1996–1998)
- Electoral Officer and Shadow Ministerial Adviser for Federal Liberal parliamentarians Fred Chaney and Judi Moylan (1990–1994)
Source for all the above here, except where (or in addition to) alternative links provided
Revolving Door
Director, Strategy Development, Raytheon Australia (2005)
Co-founder, WA Defence Industry Council (late 1980s)
Related Items
7.6.18 Defence Connect podcast: Reynolds reveals she is called the “spruiker-in-chief for defence industry” in WA. (~9:20 min/38:36). At the time of making this remark Reynolds was Chair of one of the two senate committees on defence, and Deputy Chair of the other one.
James is studying a bachelor of Communication (Journalism) at the University of Technology Sydney. He is a producer at 2SER radio and contributor at UTS’s Central News.