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Josh billboard begging, more wacky Rupert scares, Labor to buy you a house

by Michael West | May 1, 2022 | Lobbyland

Billboards are bobbing up around Kooyong desperately imploring voters to “Keep Josh”, and we are only at the mid-point of the 2022 election campaign. Thanks Scott Morrison.

Meanwhile Labor has sallied forth with its solution to the housing crisis, government buying a share in peoples’ homes. This despite both parties ignoring, for decades and still now: negative gearing, SMF lurks, a 15-year delay implementing money-laundering reforms, capital gains relief and other incentives for property developers.

And talking about the latter, Rupert Murdoch’s front pages this weekend are splashing with dubious numbers in a report by government consultants and donors EY, commissioned by property lobby Master Builders, claiming that cutting red tape – that is, abolishing the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) – will cost us $50bn.

How good is a six-week election campaign!

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Michael West established Michael West Media in 2016 to focus on journalism of high public interest, particularly the rising power of corporations over democracy. West was formerly a journalist and editor with Fairfax newspapers, a columnist for News Corp and even, once, a stockbroker.

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